Perennial Plants
ATTENTION: The catalog shows our product range, not our stock!
Not everything can be planted all year round. Please check the planting period HERE before ordering.
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Pachysandra terminalis - Japanese SpurgeLeaf leathery, fresh green. Whitish, fragrant flowers. Ground-covering, evergreen shrub. |
Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Carpet' - Japanese SpurgeLike Pachysandra terminalis, but more compact growing and even lower, maximum 15 cm high. For full shade. Ground covering, evergreen shrub. |
Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen' - Japanese SpurgeSimilar to Pachysandra terminalis, but retains a dark green colour in full sun if planted in sufficiently moist soil. Ground covering, evergreen shrub. |
Paeonia (LD) 'Duchesse de Nemours' - PeonyWhite flower. Beautiful cut flowers, slow growing but long-lived. They only come into full bloom after a few years. For a heavy, nutritious, humus-rich and slightly acidic so [ ... ] |
Paeonia (LE) 'Bowl of Beauty' - PeonyPink flower. Beautiful cut flowers, slow growing but long-lived. They only come into full bloom after a few years. For a heavy, nutritious, humus-rich and slightly acidic soi [ ... ] |
Persicaria affinis 'Superba' - KnotweedInflorescence 5-8cm long with pink perianth. Leaf lanceolate, elliptic. Ground cover. On fertile, not too dry soils. Old name: Polygonum. |
Phlox paniculata 'Amethyst' - Perennial PhloxBlue-purple. Thrives in any dry garden soil. The sweetly scented flowers are excellent flowers. |
Phlox paniculata 'Bright Eyes' - Perennial PhloxSoft pink with red eye. Thrives in any dry garden soil. The sweetly scented flowers are excellent flowers. |
Phlox paniculata 'Fujiyama' - Perennial PhloxWhite flower. Thrives in any dry garden soil. The sweetly scented flowers are excellent flowers. |
Phlox paniculata 'Tenor' - Perennial PhloxCarmine flower. Thrives in any dry garden soil. The sweetly scented flowers are excellent flowers. |
Physostegia virginiana 'Alba' - Obedient PlantFlower white. Grows best on a somewhat clayey, not too dry soil. Snapdragon-like flowers. Beautiful with e.g. Salvia. Leaf lanceolate, sharply serrated. Stem upright. |
Physostegia virginiana 'Bouquet Rose' - Obedient PlantFlower light pink. Grows best in a somewhat clayey, not too dry soil. Snapdragon-like flowers. Beautiful with e.g. Salvia. Leaf lanceolate, sharply serrated. Stem upright. |
Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji Blue' - Balloon FlowerFlower blue. Prefer a not too dry soil and a light shaded place. Beautiful wide bell-shaped flowers. |
Potentilla 'Gibson's Scarlet' - CinquefoilFlower beautiful blood red. Rich flowering plants with grey-green leaves. |
Potentilla nepalensis 'Miss Willmott' - CinquefoilFlower pink with purple eye. Rich flowering plants with grey-green leaves. |
Primula denticulata 'Alba' - Drumstick PrimulaFlower pure white. Border plant. Generally need a moist location, fine on a clay-humus soil. |
Primula denticulata 'Rubin' - Drumstick PrimulaFlower red. Border plant. Generally need a moist location, fine on a clay-humus soil. |
Prunella grandiflora - Large SelfhealViolet-blue. Beautiful, long-lasting flowering ground cover. |
Prunella grandiflora 'Alba' - Large SelfhealWhite flower. Beautiful, long-lasting flowering ground cover. |