Perennial Plants
ATTENTION: The catalog shows our product range, not our stock!
Not everything can be planted all year round. Please check the planting period HERE before ordering.
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Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba' - LavenderWhite flowers. Few soil requirements, but not on wet soil. Prune back after winter. Compact growing shrub with grey-green foliage, also in winter. |
Lavandula angustifolia 'Dwarf Blue' - LavenderFlowers violet-purple, fragrant. Slightly more compact growing than 'Munstead'. Grey-green, aromatic leaves. Strong variety. Few soil requirements, but not on wet soil. Prune [ ... ] |
Lavandula angustifolia 'Edelweiss' - LavenderGood white lavender variety. Few soil requirements, but not on wet soil. Prune back after the winter to prevent lignification. Compact growing shrub with grey-green foliage, [ ... ] |
Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' - LavenderRich flowering with deep purple-blue flowers. Few soil requirements, but not on wet soil. Prune back after winter. Compact growing shrub with grey-green foliage, also in wint [ ... ] |
Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' - LavenderVery rich flowering with beautiful, purple-blue flower spikes, fragrant. The grey-green leaves are aromatic. The strongest variety. Few soil requirements, but does not grow o [ ... ] |
Lavatera 'Barnsley' - Tree MallowWhite flower with pink heart. Lavatera is a semi-shrub and freezes easily. In the spring they can sprout again and grow strongly. |
Leucanthemum 'Polaris' - Shasta DaisyFlower white, border plant. For any normal garden soil, but a lime and nutrient-rich soil promotes the richness of flowers. |
Liatris spicata - Button SnakewortFlower violet purple. Sturdy upright stems with linear leaves up to 40cm long and 2cm wide. Typically, the flowering starts at the top of the ear. Beautiful to use in flower [ ... ] |
Ligularia dentata 'Othello' - Leopard PlantFlower golden yellow. Leaf purple-red on the underside, heart-shaped up to 35cm wide. Very decorative plants. Require a moist, peaty soil. Beautiful near water features. Inte [ ... ] |
Ligularia przewalskii - Przewalski's Golden RayDark yellow flower spikes. Very decorative plants. Require a moist, peaty soil. Beautiful near water features. Intensively visited by butterflies, bees and bumblebees. |
Limonium latifolium - Broad-leaved StaticeFlowers lavender-coloured, they dry very well. Strongly developed rosette of leaves. Requires a light soil. |
Liriope muscari - Big Blue LilyturfThis evergreen perennial plant resembles an ornamental grass. The thick, purple-blue flowers adorn the plant from August to mid-October and contrast beautifully with the brig [ ... ] |
Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' - LilyturfThis evergreen perennial looks like an ornamental grass. The thick, purple-blue flowers adorn the plant from August to mid-October and contrast beautifully with the bright gr [ ... ] |
Liriope muscari 'Monroe White' - LiriopeThis evergreen perennial plant resembles an ornamental grass. The white flowers adorn the plant from August to mid-October and contrast beautifully with the bright green, fin [ ... ] |
Lupinus 'The Chatelaine' - LupinPink with white flag. Good cut flower. Very colourful plants that like a permeable, lime-poor soil. |
Lupinus 'The Governor' - LupinBlue with white flag. Good cut flower. Very colourful plants that like a permeable, lime-poor soil. |
Lychnis coronaria 'Atrosanguinea' - Rose CampionFlower magenta, felty. Very beautiful cut flower. Very colorful genus that grows on every, not too wet garden soil. |
Lychnis viscaria 'Plena' - Sticky CatchflyDouble carmine flower. Very colourful genus that grows on any, not too wet garden soil. |
Lysimachia clethroides - GooseneckUpright stems with long white flower spikes. |