ATTENTION: The catalog shows our product range, not our stock!

Not everything can be planted all year round. Please check the planting period HERE before ordering.

Actinidia deliciosa 'Jenny' - Kiwi

In the past, male and female plants were always needed to obtain fruits. With this species, however, which is self-pollinating, one plant is enough. Produces creamy white, fr [ ... ]

APPEL 'Belle de Boskoop' - Apple

Very large fruits with rough skin, good eating, baking and storing apple. Preferably plant several apple trees of different varieties, this will facilitate cross-pollinati [ ... ]

APPEL 'Elstar' - Apple

Very tasty apple, similar to Cox, Nicely coloured and fine, sweet and sour in taste. Preferably plant several apple trees of different varieties, this will facilitate cros [ ... ]

APPEL 'Gloster' - Apple

Very good variety: very large fruits like Jonagold, sour-sweet, firm flesh. Good storage and eating apple. Recommended. Preferably plant several apple trees of different v [ ... ]

APPEL 'Jacques Lebel' - Apple

Very fertile and long storage time, healthy tree. Juicy sweet and sour, good eating apple, best stewing apple. Preferably plant several apple trees of different varieties, [ ... ]

APPEL 'James Grieve' - Apple

Medium-sized fruit with yellow-green colour, later red-yellow. Good eating and cooking apple. Preferably plant several apple trees of different varieties, this will facili [ ... ]

APPEL 'Jonagold' - Apple

Cross between Jonathan and Golden. Very early bearing with exceptionally large, sweet fruits, yellow-red in colour. Firm flesh. Good storage apple. Recommended. Preferably [ ... ]

APPEL 'Radoux' - Apple

Medium sized apple, yellow with bright red blush, white flesh. Ready for picking from October, storage time until the end of November. Very fertile, apple for eating. Good p [ ... ]

APPEL 'Reine de Reinettes' - Apple

Fertile, finely coloured autumn apple, good flavour. Healthy tree. Small, round, golden yellow, very tasty fruits, sour-sweet. Preferably plant several apple trees of diff [ ... ]

APPEL 'Rode Boskoop'

APPEL 'Transparante Blanche' - Apple

Harvest apple. The earliest summer apple with a beautiful yellow colour. Very sweet but does not keep. For stew. Pollinated by Elstar, James Grieve, Reine de Reinettes. P [ ... ]