ATTENTION: The catalog shows our product range, not our stock!

Not everything can be planted all year round. Please check the planting period HERE before ordering.

PEER 'Beurré Hardy' - Pear

Large, juicy fruit with a very good taste and a brown-green color, late fertility with a chance of alternate bearing. Pears are not good self-pollinators. In order to achi [ ... ]

PEER 'Conference' - Pear

Large elongated fruit, good, tasty table pear with good storage time. Very fertile. Pears are not good self-pollinators. In order to achieve good fruit conversion, pollina [ ... ]

PEER 'Double Philippe' - Pear

Yellow colour. Fairly thick fruits, very juicy and tasty. Pears are not good self-pollinators. In order to achieve good fruit conversion, pollination by pollen from anothe [ ... ]

PEER 'Doyenne du Comice' - Pear

Certainly the best early winter pear, perhaps the tastiest pear. Particularly thick, juicy and sweet. Often alternate years. Pears are not good self-pollinators. In order [ ... ]

PEER 'Durondeau' - Pear

Very good and thick fruit with a light brown color. Juicy, firm, sour-sweet flesh. Pears are not good self-pollinators. In order to achieve a good fruit conversion, pollin [ ... ]

PEER 'Legipont' - Pear

Nice thick fruit with a good taste. Pick green and let ripen in storage. Pears are not good self-pollinators. In order to achieve good fruit conversion, pollination by pol [ ... ]

PERZIK 'Amsden' - Peach

Medium-sized round fruits with dark red blush. The flesh is white, fine and sweet in taste. The picking period is from mid to late July. Peaches require a light, dry sandy [ ... ]

PERZIK 'Charles Ingouf' - Peach

Beautiful, thick fruits with yellow flesh and a very fine taste. The fruits are ripe in the second half of July. Peaches require a light, dry sandy soil and a sheltered lo [ ... ]

PERZIK 'Triumph' - Peach

Highly productive and disease resistant variety. 'Triumph' produces beautiful large peaches with yellow skin, marbled with dark red on the sunny side, and yellow flesh, soft, [ ... ]

PERZIK 'Vaes Oogst' - Peach

Strong and healthy growing tree. Thick, light yellow-pink colored fruits with white flesh, very good taste. The fruits ripen in mid-August. Peaches require a light, dry sa [ ... ]

PRUIM 'Anna Späth - Plum tree

Very tasty consumption plum with a beautiful blue colour, medium-sized fruits. Very fertile. It is also better to plant several types for plums, with a view to good cross- [ ... ]

PRUIM 'Bleu de Belgique' - Plum tree

Good quality, slightly smaller blue fruit, sweet, very fertile. It is also better to plant several types for plums, with a view to good cross-pollination. However, some ty [ ... ]

PRUIM 'Mirabelle Ruby' - Columnar Plum Tree

Columnar plum that takes up very little space and is therefore interesting for the small garden. Red plums with yellow-red flesh. Sweet taste. Self-pollinating, but cross-pol [ ... ]

PRUIM 'Reine-Claude d'Althan' (Conducta) - Plum tree

Violet-red, fairly large fruits but of the best quality and very fertile. Very tasty fruit. It is also better to plant several types for plums, with a view to good cross-p [ ... ]

PRUIM 'Reine-Claude d'Oullins' - Plum tree

Pure golden yellow, large, very juicy and tasty fruits. It is also better to plant several types of plums, with a view to good cross-pollination. However, some types are s [ ... ]

PRUIM 'Victoria' (Queen Victoria) - Plum tree

Large, light red fruits of normal quality, but very fertile and good pollinator. Annual fruit thinning is almost necessary. It is also better to plant several varieties fo [ ... ]