ATTENTION: The catalog shows our product range, not our stock!

Not everything can be planted all year round. Please check the planting period HERE before ordering.

KERS 'Bigarreau Napoleon'

KERS 'Bigarreau Noir'

KERS 'Bigarreau Van'

KERS 'Early Rivers'

KERS 'Hedelfinger'

KERS 'Kordia'

Large fruits of excellent taste. Dark red with firm dark red flesh. Self-pollinating. Recommended pollinators: Hedelfinger, Early Rivers, Regina

KERS 'Regina' - Cherry

Regina is a dark red, firm and sweet cherry with a good taste. It is a self-pollinating species, but cross-pollination with Kordia gives better fruit set. Blooms in May, the [ ... ]

KRIEK 'Schaarbeekse Kriek'

Old variety used for making cherry beer. Medium sized dark red fruits in bunches, sweet and sour. This variety is said to be highly resistant to branch dieback (Monilia) and [ ... ]