Perennial Plants
ATTENTION: The catalog shows our product range, not our stock!
Not everything can be planted all year round. Please check the planting period HERE before ordering.
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Acaena microphylla 'Kupferteppich' - New Zealand BurLeaves red-brown. Thrives in any soil. The leaves and fruits in August are very decorative, the greenish flowers are of little significance. Moderately winter hardy. |
Acanthus mollis - Bear's BreechDark green glossy leaves, pinnately lobed. Flower stems up to 2 metres, white-pink. For a loose, well-drained soil in a place in full sun. |
Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' - Monk's HoodDark purple flowers, good cut flower. Very nice border plant that blooms with long racemes. The leaves are deeply incised. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Nice together [ ... ] |
Actaea simplex 'White Pearl' - Baneberry(Cimicifuga) Plant with creeping rhizome and erect stems, sod-forming. The flower stems are black. The pure white flowers are gathered on a flower panicle. For moist, humus-r [ ... ] |
Agapanthus 'Headbourne Hybrids' - African LilyBlue flowers, good cut flower. The only hardy Agapanthus. |
Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea' - BugleDark purple leaves, purple-blue flower. Valuable ground cover with ovate, glossy leaves. Grows in ordinary garden soil that is somewhat humus-containing. |
Alchemilla erythropoda - Lady's MantleBluish leaves, yellow flowers. Blooms with greenish-yellow plumes of small flowers. The leaves are covered on both sides with soft hairs and are fan-shaped. Does well in almo [ ... ] |
Alchemilla mollis - Lady's MantleLeaf green, flower green-yellow with flower stems up to 80cm. Blooms with green-yellow plumes of small flowers. The leaf is covered on both sides with soft hairs and is fan-s [ ... ] |
Anaphalis triplinervis - EverlastingSilvery white flower. Flowers can be dried. |
Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm' - Japanese AnemoneFlower deep pink, bushy. Grows best in lightly shaded places in humus-rich soil. Group planting is recommended. |
Anemone hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' - Japanese AnemoneFlower single white with 6-9 petals, cut flower. Grows best in lightly shaded places in humus-rich soil, but also thrives in the sun. Group planting is recommended. Forms a b [ ... ] |
Anemone hybrida 'Königin Charlotte' - Japanese AnemoneSilky pink, semi-double flower. Large flowered. Grows best in lightly shaded places in humus-rich soil. Group planting is recommended. |
Aquilegia 'Crimson Star' - ColumbineCarmine red with white flower. Good cut flower. Ornamental perennials for both the border, as cut flower or in the rock garden they are of exceptional value. They prefer a hu [ ... ] |
Aquilegia 'Nora Barlow' - ColumbineRed-pink flower. Good cut flower. Ornamental perennials for both the border, as cut flower or in the rock garden they are of exceptional value. They prefer a humus-rich soil [ ... ] |
Aquilegia caerulea 'Kristall' - ColumbineWhite. Good cut flower. Ornamental perennials for both the border, as cut flower or in the rock garden they are of exceptional value. They prefer a humus-rich soil and a plac [ ... ] |
Arabis caucasica 'Snowcap' - Rock CressFor dry sunny location. Compact growing with pure white flowers. |
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver Queen' - Western MugwortThe grey leaf gives the beauty to the plant and provides special effects in the border. Likes a slightly dry soil. |
Aruncus dioicus 'Kneiffii' - Goat's BeardBest in a moist, humus-rich soil. Large terminal panicles with small flowers. Flower cream-white. |
Aster amellus 'Rudolf Goethe' - Italian AsterLavender coloured summer bloomer. Good cut flower, for full sun, in larger groups. |
Aster novae-angliae 'Barr's Blue' - AsterViolet flower, for full sun, good cut flower, plant in small groups. |
Aster novi-belgii 'Fellowship' - AsterDouble soft pink flower, for full sun, good cut flower, plant in small groups. |
Astilbe arendsii 'Fanal' - AstilbeAn early flowering Astilbe with garnet red flowers. Very beautiful plants with plume-shaped inflorescence. Requires a moist humus-rich soil and partial shade. |
Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila' - AstilbeFlower plumes lilac-pink, ground cover. Very beautiful plants with plume-shaped inflorescence. Requires a moist humus-rich soil and partial shade. |
Astilbe japonica 'Deutschland' - AstilbeFlower plumes white, border plant, early bloomer. Very beautiful plants with plume-shaped inflorescence. Requires a moist humus-rich soil and partial shade. |
Astilbe japonica 'Rheinland' - AstilbeFlower plumes pink, border plant. Very beautiful plants with plume-shaped inflorescence. Requires a moist humus-rich soil and partial shade. |
Astilbe simplicifolia 'Sprite' - AstilbeFlower plumes pale pink, for use in rock gardens. Very beautiful plants with plume-shaped inflorescence. Requires a moist humus-rich soil and partial shade. |
Aubrieta 'Cascade Blue' - AubrietaBlue flower. Beautiful sod-forming plant. Requires sun and a calcareous, not too poor, warm soil. Cutting them after flowering promotes growth and flowering. |