Name |
Pachysandra terminalis - Japanese SpurgeLeaf leathery, fresh green. Whitish, fragrant flowers. Ground-covering, evergreen shrub.
Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Carpet' - Japanese Spurge
Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen' - Japanese Spurge
Paeonia (LD) 'Duchesse de Nemours' - Peony
Paeonia (LE) 'Bowl of Beauty' - Peony
Persicaria affinis 'Superba' - Knotweed
Phlox paniculata 'Amethyst' - Perennial Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'Bright Eyes' - Perennial Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'Fujiyama' - Perennial Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'Tenor' - Perennial Phlox
Physostegia virginiana 'Alba' - Obedient Plant
Physostegia virginiana 'Bouquet Rose' - Obedient Plant
Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji Blue' - Balloon Flower
Potentilla 'Gibson's Scarlet' - Cinquefoil
Potentilla nepalensis 'Miss Willmott' - Cinquefoil
Primula denticulata 'Alba' - Drumstick Primula
Primula denticulata 'Rubin' - Drumstick Primula
Prunella grandiflora - Large Selfheal
Prunella grandiflora 'Alba' - Large Selfheal
Rheum palmatum tanguticum - Chinese Rhubarb
Rodgersia aesculifolia - Chestnut-leaved Rodgersia
Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' - Black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstsonne' - Autumn Sun
Salvia nemerosa 'Ostfriesland' - Balkan Clary
Salvia officinalis 'Purpurascens' - Common Sage
Santolina chamaecyparissus - Cotton Lavender
Scabiosa caucasica 'Alba' - Caucasian scabious
Scabiosa caucasica 'Perfecta' - Caucasian scabious
Sedum 'Herbstfreude' - Stonecrop
Sedum 'Matrona' - Stonecrop
Sedum acre 'Elegans' - Biting Stonecrop
Sedum floriferum 'Weihenstephaner Gold' - Orange Stonecrop
Sedum spectabile 'Brillant' - Stonecrop
Sedum spurium 'Fuldaglut' - Stonecrop
Tiarella cordifolia - Foam Flower
Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen' - Globeflower
Verbascum chaixii 'Album' - Mullein, White nettle-leaved Mullein
Verbena bonariensis - Argentinian VervainFlower dark purple. Border plant. Does well in almost any garden soil in a sunny location. Often self-seeds, even when the parent plants have frozen to death in a cold winter
Vinca major - Greater Periwinkle
Vinca minor - Periwinkle
Vinca minor 'Alba' - White PeriwinkleWhite flower, floriferous. Used as ground cover, evergreen. Does well in any normal garden soil, even in places with a lot of shade.
Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea' - Dark Purple-flowered Periwinkle
Vinca minor 'Gertrude Jekyll' - Small White Periwinkle
Waldsteinia ternata - Siberian Waldsteinia
Yucca filamentosa - Needle Palm, Adam's Needle, Desert Candle