Trees & Shrubs
ATTENTION: The catalog shows our product range, not our stock!
Not everything can be planted all year round. Please check the planting period HERE before ordering.
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Parrotia persica - Persian ironwoodShrub or tree with a typical, irregular growth habit. The glossy leaves are dark when they emerge and green during the summer. During the autumn, Parrotia has a beautiful aut [ ... ] |
Paulownia tomentosa - Foxglove treeLarge tree with a broad crown, thick branches and twigs. Ovate leaves usually up to 30 cm long and wide. The leaves on the strongly growing shoots can grow up to 50 cm long. [ ... ] |
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire' - Russian SageShrub with a distinctive grey colour impression. The stems are whitish. The deeply incised leaves are greyish green. The flowers hang in large, slender bunches and are lavend [ ... ] |
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Little Spire' ® - Russian sageThis Perovskia has a lower and more compact, upright growth habit than 'Blue Spire'. Grey-green stems and leaves that give off a spicy scent when rubbed. Lavender-blue flowe [ ... ] |
Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' - Mock Orange
Philadelphus 'Manteau d'Hermine' - Mock Orange
Philadelphus 'Virginal' - Mock Orange
Philadelphus coronarius - Mock Orange
Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus' - Mock Orange
Photinia fraseri 'Camilvy' - Christmas BerryShiny dark green leaves with burgundy-red shoots, darker in color than 'Red Robin'. White flower clusters in May-June and red berries in the fall if the plants are not pruned [ ... ] |
Photinia fraseri 'Little Red Robin' - Christmas Berry
Photinia fraseri 'Red Robin' - Christmas BerryShiny dark green, permanent leaves with bright red colored shoots. The young leaves are strikingly red at first, then they turn green. This happens twice a year, at the end o [ ... ] |
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' - Ninebark
Pieris 'Forest Flame'
Pieris japonica 'Debutante'
Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire'
Platanus hispanica - London planeFast-growing, majestic tree with large, lobed leaves with brown-yellow autumn colour. The bark flakes off, causing the trunk to get yellow, green, grey and brown spots. Spher [ ... ] |
Platanus hispanica 'Alphens Globe' - Plane TreeSpherical selection of the common plane tree, grafted on trunk, with smaller, round crown. This is the strongest growing of the 'spherical' trees, suitable for smaller garden [ ... ] |
Potentilla fruticosa 'Abbotswood' - Shrubby cinquefoilWhite flowering Potentilla with large bright white flowers and blue-green foliage. Potentillas grow on all types of soil that are not too heavy and preferably in full sun. |
Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfinger' - Shrubby cinquefoil
Potentilla fruticosa 'Primrose Beauty' - Shrubby cinquefoil
Potentilla fruticosa 'Red Ace' - Shrubby cinquefoil
Potentilla fruticosa 'Sommerflor' - Shrubby cinquefoil
Prunus 'Kiku-shidare-zakura' - Japanese flowering Cherry
Prunus 'The Bride'
Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' - Cherry plum, Myrobalan plum
Prunus eminens 'Umbraculifera' - Ground cherry
Prunus laurocerasus 'Caucasica' - Cherry-LaurelBroad upright growth habit, elongated dark green, glossy leaves. Winter-hardy cultivar, for high evergreen hedges. Grows on most soils, but like all Prunus this species fe [ ... ] |
Prunus laurocerasus 'Genolia' ® (Mariblon) - Cherry-LaurelPrunus Genolia is developed in Switzerland. From a lot of Prunus, it was the only one that survived the winter. Genolia has a narrow, upright growth that is ideal for compact [ ... ] |
Prunus laurocerasus 'Herbergii' - Cherry-LaurelDense shrub with glossy dark green leaves, white upright flowers. Early flowering with second flowering in September. Very winter hardy, suitable for medium to high hedges an [ ... ] |
Prunus laurocerasus 'Novita' - Cherry-laurelPrunus laurocerasus 'Novita' is very similar to Prunus laurocerasus 'Rotundifolia', but less sensitive to mildew. The leaves of Novita are glossy and medium green to dark gre [ ... ] |
Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' - Cherry-LaurelBeautiful low-growing and wide-growing cultivar with smaller dark green leaves. Richly flowering with white upright flower clusters in May. Very winter-hardy, for group plant [ ... ] |
Prunus laurocerasus 'Reynvaanii' - Cherry-Laurel
Prunus lusitanica 'Angustifolia' - Portugal LaurelRecommended evergreen hedge plant. Glossy green leaves with slightly red midrib. Compact growing. As a solitary shrub or hedge plant for medium to high hedges. White, uprigh [ ... ] |
Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa' - Japanese flowering Cherry
Prunus serrulata 'Kanzan' - Japanese flowering Cherry
Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis Rosea' - Japanese flowering CherryOrnamental cherry with double flowering period: part of the flower buds open in October, the rest in spring or during the winter if it is not freezing. Semi-double flowers, d [ ... ] |
Pyrus calleryana 'Capital'This columnar ornamental pear reaches a maximum width of 3 meters and is therefore very suitable for small gardens. The bright, dark green leaves turn dark purple-red in the [ ... ] |
Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' - Callery pearModerately high, pyramidal tree, broad-elliptic leaves, glossy green, autumn colour carmine red to orange-yellow. Many flowers, pure white. Particularly beautiful cultivar. [ ... ] |
Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' - Willow leafed pear