Trees & Shrubs
ATTENTION: The catalog shows our product range, not our stock!
Not everything can be planted all year round. Please check the planting period HERE before ordering.
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Halesia carolina - Silver Bell, Snowdrop TreeSturdy multi-stemmed shrub or small tree. The green leaves are ovate to ovate, with yellow fall color. Hanging, bell-shaped, white flowers, similar to snowdrops. Abundant flo [ ... ] |
Hamamelis intermedia 'Arnold Promise' - Witch HazelStriking winter bloomer with light yellow flowers over a long flowering period. Broad, upright growth habit, growing as wide as it does high. Green, oval leaves that color be [ ... ] |
Hamamelis intermedia 'Diane' - Witch HazelStriking winter bloomer with red flowers over a long flowering period. Broad, upright growth habit, growing as wide as it does high. Green, oval leaves that turn a beautiful [ ... ] |
Hamamelis intermedia 'Jelena' - Witch HazelStriking winter flowering shrub with orange flowers over a long flowering period. Broad upright growth habit, growing as wide as it does high. Green, oval leaves that turn be [ ... ] |
Hamamelis intermedia 'Pallida' - Witch HazelStriking winter bloomer with sulphur yellow flowers over a long flowering period. Broad upright growth habit, growing as wide as it does high. Green, oval leaves that turn be [ ... ] |
Hedera colchica 'Fall Favourite' (Arborescens) - IvyLow-growing, evergreen shrub up to 1.25 m wide. Large, shiny, toothless dark green leaves. Blooms with green-yellow flowers from August to November and then bears round, blac [ ... ] |
Hedera helix 'Arborescens' - IvyDensely branched, bushy shrub with a broad, spherical growth habit. The dark green leaves are glossy and toothless. From August to October the plant bears yellow-green flower [ ... ] |
Heptacodium miconioides - Seven-son flower
Hibiscus syriacus 'Ardens' - Rose of Sharon, Syrian hibiscusInteresting autumn flowering shrub with beautiful, large, double flowers. 'Ardens' bears blue-purple flowers with a red heart. Early flowering species that flowers from June [ ... ] |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Azurri' - Rose of Sharon, Syrian hibiscusThis species is the first blue flowering Hibiscus without seed formation. This ensures that the flowering lasts until the end of September. Interesting autumn flowering sh [ ... ] |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Blue Chiffon' - Rose of Sharon, Syrian hibiscusHibiscus 'Blue Chiffon' blooms from July to September with beautiful blue, semi-double flowers. Hibiscus 'Blue Chiffon' grows into a beautifully shaped shrub of approximately [ ... ] |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Flower Tower Ruby' - Rose of Sharon, Syrian hibiscusHibiscus syriacus 'Flower Tower Ruby' has a narrow, upright, columnar growth habit and is therefore very suitable for smaller gardens. But with its beautiful dark pink-red, s [ ... ] |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Magenta Chiffon' - Rose of Sharon, Syrian hibiscusHibiscus 'Magenta Chiffon' blooms from July to September with beautiful purple-red (magenta) double flowers.Hibiscus 'Blue Chiffon' grows into a beautifully shaped shrub of a [ ... ] |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Marina' - Rose of Sharon, Syrian hibiscusInteresting autumn flowering shrub with beautiful, large, single flowers. 'Marina' bears violet-blue flowers with a dark red heart. It is an improvement of the traditional va [ ... ] |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Mathilde' - Rose of Sharon, Syrian hibiscusInteresting autumn flowering shrub with beautiful, large, single flowers. 'Mathilde' bears soft pink flowers with a red heart. Comparable to 'Hamabo' but with better growth. [ ... ] |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart' - Rose of Sharon, Syrian hibiscusInteresting autumn flowering shrub with beautiful, large, single flowers. 'Red Heart' bears white flowers with a red heart. Very beautiful Hibiscus. The flowering period runs [ ... ] |
Hibiscus syriacus 'William R. Smith' - Rose of Sharon, Syrian hibiscus
Hydrangea arborescens 'Abetwo' STRONG ANNABELLE - Smooth HydrangeaBeautiful Hydrangea with very large flowers and strong branches that remain upright even after rain and wind. Prune in spring, to 40-50 cm for an adult plant. Very hardy, do [ ... ] |
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' - HydrangeaAnnabelle' is the most beautiful cultivar of Hydrangea arborescens. The plant grows to 1.25 m high. The growth is very strong with thick branches. The inflorescences are of t [ ... ] |
Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' - HydrangeaDark green leaves, felty grey-white underside, flowers flat balls 20-25 cm, lilac and white. Similar to H. sargentiana, but growing higher. All Hydrangeas require a suffic [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Alpenglühn' - Bigleaf HydrangeaThis is a very beautiful species. The up to 23 centimeter large inflorescences of the hydrangea type are intense pink-red to red and never turn blue. The shiny, dark green le [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' - Bigleaf HydrangeaThis is a Hydrangea with sepals shaped like a small spoon. This gives the plant a very special appearance. The colour of the flower changes depending on the acidity, from lig [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bodensee' - Bigleaf HydrangeaBeautiful garden hydrangea with a colour that varies from blue to pink and lilac. Sturdy stems that make the flowers stand upright. Blooms from July to September. All Hydr [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bouquet Rose' - Bigleaf HydrangeaThis shrub has 15 cm wide, richly flowering inflorescences consisting of sterile flowers. The name can cause some confusion. In a neutral soil, the flower colour tends more t [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Forever' ® (Early Sensation - Bigleaf HydrangeaThis is the original variety from the 'Forever and Ever®' series. These varieties flower abundantly and also on the one-year-old wood. Blue or pink spherical flowers. All [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hornli' - Bigleaf HydrangeaDwarf hydrangea. Compact, very low variety with spherical pink inflorescence. Charming, low species. All Hydrangeas require a sufficiently humus-rich, moist soil. They pre [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Libelle' - Bigleaf HydrangeaThis is an extremely beautiful, low-growing shrub with white lacecap flowers and dark green leaves. The sterile flowers are up to 6 centimetres in size. The dark blue fertile [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii Perfecta' - Bigleaf HydrangeaBeautiful lacecap variety. The marginal flowers of which are pink-red to light blue in colour, depending on the soil. The inner, fertile flowers are blue. All Hydrangeas r [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Messalina' - Bigleaf HydrangeaLacecap Hydrangea with soft light pink flowers, June-July. All Hydrangeas require a sufficiently humus-rich, moist soil. They prefer to grow in light shade. In full sun, t [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mme E. Mouillère' - Bigleaf HydrangeaThe most classic white Hydrangea. Large white spherical inflorescences with a blue eye. Later in the flowering season, the white sepals get small purple dots. The strong leaf [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' - Bigleaf HydrangeaStrong shrub with sturdy branches and large, fresh green leaves. The inflorescences are of the hydrangea type, 15 centimetres in size and lavender blue to pink, depending on [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia' - Bigleaf HydrangeaThis is a fantastic dwarf hybrid, rarely growing taller than 60 centimetres. The inflorescences are of the hydrangea type, but are somewhat flattened. The total width of the [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Sibilla' (Masja) - Bigleaf HydrangeaSemi-dwarf cultivar. The regular spherical inflorescences, which grow up to 16 centimetres, are bright red and have a blue heart. It is a hardy cultivar that sometimes has a [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Soeur Thérèse' - Bigleaf HydrangeaSpherical Hydrangea, white flowers that turn red in the fall. Very winter hardy, flowering period from May to August. All Hydrangeas require a sufficiently humus-rich, moi [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Together' ® - Bigleaf HydrangeaFrom the 'Forever and Ever' series. These varieties flower abundantly and also on the one-year-old wood. 'Together' is a variety with double flowers, which grow to 20 cm in s [ ... ] |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'White Wave' - Bigleaf HydrangeaPure whit flowers, lacecap, very richly flowering cultivar. All Hydrangeas require a sufficiently humus-rich, moist soil. They grow best in light shade. In full sun, the l [ ... ] |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Bobo' ® - Panicled HydrangeaBobo® is an undisputed asset for any small garden. With regular pruning this compact Hydrangea will grow no taller than 60 to 70 cm. The plant is perfect for use in narrow fl [ ... ] |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu' - Panicled HydrangeaTall shrub with large flower plumes up to 30 centimetres long, wit a more open structure than 'Grandiflora'. The sterile flowers are creamy white. Blooms from July to Septemb [ ... ] |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' - Panicled HydrangeaWhite, double flowers on sturdy stems. Beautiful lime-coloured flower plumes that later turn greenish-white to white-pink. Deep, purple autumn colouring. Can be placed in the [ ... ] |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lime' ('Jane') - Panicled HydrangeaThis is a dwarf hydrangea, a dwarf variety of Hydrangea paniculata. A pruned plant does not grow taller than 70 cm. An unpruned specimen can grow to 1.50 m tall, which is con [ ... ] |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky' ® - Panicled HydrangeaUpright shrub with sturdy, straight branches. Conical flowers that are initially white, later strongly dark pink-red. Good dried flower. Partial shade and full sun. Under pa [ ... ] |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique' - Panicled Hydrangea40 cm long, pure white flowers that later turn purple-pink. August-September. Very sturdy branches. All Hydrangeas require a sufficiently humus-rich, moist soil. They pref [ ... ] |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Vanille-Fraise' ® - Panicled HydrangeaBeautifully flowering panicled hydrangea, first pure white plumes, later changing to dark pink-red. Beautiful, new species. All Hydrangeas require a sufficiently humus-ric [ ... ] |
Hydrangea quercifolia - Oakleaf HydrangeaThe 12 to 25 centimeter large leaves are 3-5 lobed and resemble the leaves of an oak tree in shape. They are white felty on the underside. The autumn colors of the leaves are [ ... ] |
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Sikes Dwarf' - Oakleaf HydrangeaThis cultivar is very similar to Hydrangea quercifolia. The big advantage is the smaller growth. This shrub does not grow higher than 1.50 meters, which is an interesting hei [ ... ] |
Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird' - Mountain HydrangeaThis medium-sized lacecap Hydrangea belongs in the shade. The flat, inflorescences have a mass of blue fertile flowers, surrounded by a single row of marginal flowers, which [ ... ] |
Hydrangea serrata 'Preziosa' - Mountain HydrangeaThis beautiful shrub does not grow higher than 1m20. The spherical inflorescences are also on the small side, between 11 and 15 centimetres. The flower colour changes from wh [ ... ] |
Hypericum 'Hidcote' - St. John's WortHigher growing Hypericum, particularly rich flowering with large yellow flowers, from July to October. Good winter hardy species that also grows in shaded places. May be cut [ ... ] |
Hypericum calycinum - St. John's WortEvergreen ground covering shrub, produces numerous runners in the ground. Blooms from July to September with large yellow flowers. Tolerates both full sun and shade. |