Trees & Shrubs
ATTENTION: The catalog shows our product range, not our stock!
Not everything can be planted all year round. Please check the planting period HERE before ordering.
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Abelia grandiflora - Glossy AbeliaBeautiful blooming shrub with overhanging branches. Semi-Evergreen, evergreen in mild winters. Very shiny, small dark green leaves in autumn changing to brown bronze to purpl [ ... ] |
Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' - Field MapleBeautiful, medium-sized tree with a dense, broad-conical crown. The dark green leaves have 3-5 lobes and are 4-6 cm big. The autumn color is yellow. 'Elsrijk' resembles Acer [ ... ] |
Acer campestre 'Red Shine' - Field MapleAcer campestre 'Red Shine' is a medium-sized tree that can reach a height of 8-10 meters. He can achieve this on all soils, except very dry, barren soils. A striking feature [ ... ] |
Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' - Japanese mapleUpright multi-stemmed shrub with deeply cut light green leaves, 9-11 lobed, 10-15 cm wide. Orange red to reddish fall color. Beautiful and distinctive solitary bush. |
Acer negundo 'Flamingo' - Box Elder, Ash-leafed MapleMedium-sized tree with broad ovoid crown and green leaves with silvery white to pale pink leaf edges, up to 20 cm. The young leaves are soft salmon pink on the shoots. Beaut [ ... ] |
Acer palmatum - Japanese MapleSlow-growing multi-stemmed shrub with bright green, deeply cut leaves 6-10 cm long and reddish twigs. In autumn the leaves turn crimson very nice. The typical winged fruits a [ ... ] |
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - Japanese MapleSlow-growing multi-stemmed shrub with intensely red-brown leaves. Red autumn color. Growth is slightly less than Acer palmatum and preferably in a well drained and humus rich [ ... ] |
Acer palmatum 'Dissectum' - Japanese MapleSmall, very slow growing shrub with distinctive growth habit, wide spreading. The crown is wider than high, an old plant can be up to 3-4 meters in diameter. Fresh Green, dee [ ... ] |
Acer palmatum 'Garnet' - Japanese MapleSmall, very slow-growing shrub with characteristic growth form, wide spreading. The crown is wider than high, an old plant can be up to 3-4 meters in diameter. Brown-red leav [ ... ] |
Acer palmatum 'Sangokaku' - Japanese MapleSlow-growing multi-stemmed shrub with small, bright green, deeply cut leaves. Autumn color golden yellow to red. Striking in the autumn and winter are the beautiful coral bra [ ... ] |
Acer platanoides - Norway MapleFast growing and strong tree with a dense, broad ovoid crown. The yellow-green flowers in clusters appear in April before the leaves develop. The five-lobed, palmate, green l [ ... ] |
Acer platanoides 'Drummondii' - MapleFairly slow growing, medium-sized tree with a broad pyramidal crown. The palmate leaves are green with a creamy margin. The yellow-green flowers in clusters appear in April b [ ... ] |
Acer platanoides 'Globosum' - MapleVariety with a compact, round to flat globular crown. This crown is grafted on a stem of about 2m20. A mature, unpruned tree can be up to 5 meters wide. Usually they are prun [ ... ] |
Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' - MapleMedium-sized tree with broad conical crown, mature trees can grow up to 8 metres wide. 'Royal Red' is very similar to 'Faassen's Black' and 'Crimson King', but grows with a s [ ... ] |
Acer rubrum 'Brandywine'This medium-sized tree has an ovate crown with lobed leaves up to 11 cm in size. The flowers appear in small umbels in March/April. This selection from the Washington Nationa [ ... ] |
Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' (Franksred) - Red MapleMedium-sized upright tree with pyramidal crown that stands out for its autumn color. The crown width of a mature tree is 10-12 meters. Dark green, glossy leaves. Spectacular, [ ... ] |
Acer rubrum 'Scanlon' - Red MapleTree with compact, columnar crown to 4 meters wide. Red flowers before the leaves appear. Shiny green leaves up to 10 cm, with red petioles. Autumn color in purple and orange [ ... ] |
Acer rufinerve - Grey budded snake-bark Maple, Honshu MapleMedium-sized tree of Japanese origin with broad, vase-shaped crown. The most striking feature are the olive green twigs with striking, white-gray stripes. The green three-lob [ ... ] |
Acer tataricum ginnala - Amur MapleSmall tree with wide fan-shaped crown. Dark green three-lobed leaves 4-8 cm long, midlobe is remarkably longer than the side lobes. The autumn color varies from red to orange [ ... ] |
Aesculus carnea 'Briotii' - Horse Chestnut, BuckeyeLarge tree with upright, slightly blood-red flower plumes that only appear on older trees, after 8 to 10 years. The five-membered, large leaves appear in early spring and hav [ ... ] |
Aesculus parviflora - Dwarf buckeyeWide, slow-growing shrub, more wide than high. Large, 5-7 membered leaves with yellow fall color. White flowers in erect, to 30 cm long racemes that protrude above the foliag [ ... ] |
Amelanchier alnifolia 'Obelisk' - Snowy Mespilus, Service Berry, ShadbushThis Amelanchier grows columnar. It is slow-growing and usually does not grow taller than 4 feet. The leaves are from broadly ovate to nearly round, dark green in summer. The [ ... ] |
Amelanchier arborea 'Robin Hill' - Snowy Mespilus, Service Berry, ShadbushSmall tree with pyramidal to oval crown. Small dark green leaves, 3-7 cm. Spectacular autumn colors in yellow and red tones. The flowers are pink in bud, but pure white once [ ... ] |
Amelanchier laevis 'Ballerina' - Snowy Mespilus, Juneberry, Service Berry, ShadbushCultivated form of ordinary Snowy Mespilus, which stands out by the larger pure white flowers in April - May and the larger edible fruit. These berries, 1 cm wide, appear in [ ... ] |
Amelanchier lamarckii - Snowy Mespilus, Juneberry, Service Berry, ShadbushWide growing shrub that grows well on dry and wetter soils. Blooms abundant in April-May with white flower clusters, just before the emerging reddish leaves. Bears edible bro [ ... ] |
Aralia elata - Japanese angelica treePeculiar multi-stemmed shrub with stiff, upright, thorny branches. Bears in the summer huge double pinnate leaves, the petiole is covered with spines. White striking flower p [ ... ] |
Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliant' - Red chokeberryApple Berries can be planted in full sun or partial shade in any soil, even on dry or humid. The fruit is edible, and is used to make jam. The glossy, blue-green leaves are b [ ... ] |
Aronia prunifolia 'Viking' - Purple chokeberryApple Berries can be planted in full sun or partial shade in any soil, even on dry or humid. The fruit is edible, and are used to make jam. Vigorously growing cultivar with n [ ... ] |
Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' - Japanese laurelBeautiful shrub with large, leathery, evergreen leaves, with a lot of yellow spots. Good resistance to highly polluted air and therefore very suitable for town gardens. Prefe [ ... ] |
Azalea (J) 'Blaue Donau' - Japanese AzaleaLilac-blue flower. Botanically, Azaleas also belong to the Rhododendrons. In practice, however, they are still distinguished from Rhododendron hybrids by their smaller size [ ... ] |
Azalea (J) 'Excelsior' - Japanese AzaleaRed, large flower. Botanically, Azaleas also belong to the Rhododendrons. In practice, however, they are still distinguished from Rhododendron hybrids by their smaller size [ ... ] |
Azalea (J) 'Madame van Hecke' - Japanese AzaleaPure pink flower. Botanically, Azaleas also belong to the Rhododendrons. In practice, however, they are still distinguished from Rhododendron hybrids by their smaller size a [ ... ] |
Azalea (J) 'Moederkensdag' - Japanese AzaleaBlood-red flower. Botanically, Azaleas also belong to the Rhododendrons. In practice, however, they are still distinguished from Rhododendron hybrids by their smaller size a [ ... ] |
Azalea (J) 'White Lady' - Japanese AzaleaWhite flower. Botanically, Azaleas also belong to the Rhododendrons. In practice, however, they are still distinguished from Rhododendron hybrids by their smaller size and s [ ... ] |
Azalea (KH) 'Daviesii' - Deciduous Knaphill Rhododendron, Ghent AzaleaCreamy white with a yellow flare, highly fragrant, blooms in May (June). Azaleas grow best in acidic soil, rich in humus, moist but permeable. This can be achieved by mix [ ... ] |